Where the heck is the Underground?
Main Intention-Navigating through Wescoe and getting from the main entrance to the Underground.
We found that there are many complaints when it comes to Wescoe and where certain things are. When our group had walked up to Wescoe, our first concern was where should we walk in? Where is the main entrance? Once we entered the door that we assumed was the main entrance, we started to walk through the building. We didn't know which rooms were classrooms and which rooms were offices. It also took effort to look for the stairs and once we got to them, there was no sign to where they really lead (other then a 4 in. x 4 in square). We had gotten to the first floor and started walking around. We walked around a random corner and all of the sudden, there was the Underground, where people gather and eat. We realized there was no indication on how to get to the Underground. After wandering around Wescoe, we decided we want the process of finding places in Wescoe to be easier and quicker. We have started brainstorming things like large colored arrows, interesting signs guiding to you where you want to go, etc.
Here are some pictures of our journey.